Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Seamless Link is the nickname used in the C&MA in Canada to describe the important connection between our local churches and the global ministry of our International Workers. It has become an increasingly helpful way for our churches to personalize missions involvement, helping answer questions of why, who, and where the global work is being done, and how we are involved together.
Seamless Link Partners
Ken Switzer
La Jornada - Santa Cruz, Bolivia

Ken Switzer, a former Avalon Alliance Youth Pastor, leads
La Jornada, "The Journey", a residence for up to fifteen young men based in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. La Jornada provides these young men with a home while they study and complete their post-secondary education. All of these young men are ex-street kids or were abandoned as children and who have completed high school while living in one of the many orphanages spread across Santa Cruz.
La Jornada, "The Journey", a residence for up to fifteen young men based in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. La Jornada provides these young men with a home while they study and complete their post-secondary education. All of these young men are ex-street kids or were abandoned as children and who have completed high school while living in one of the many orphanages spread across Santa Cruz.
Heather Hahn and Andrès Cabezas
Brave Heart / ALAS - Mexico City, Mexico

Brave Heart ministers to indigenous families through educational help, outreach in the park and the Brave Heart Collective which gives business help and training.
ALAS is a ministry in the El Recobro shelter for women who have no family to assist them with their psychiatric needs. They provide life skill classes and a Bible class.
ALAS is a ministry in the El Recobro shelter for women who have no family to assist them with their psychiatric needs. They provide life skill classes and a Bible class.